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The Power of a Man's Words

An entire business can unfold when a man believes in you.

March 2, 2019

In 2011 I started Hesed Consulting, Inc. thinking it would be a tax-exempt nonprofit that would work with the 86% of nonprofits and church plants that have an annual budget of $500,000 or less. Most are doing exceptional work in very tough places around the world. With such a lean budget, hiring a firm or consultant to advise them of the principles and pitfalls of fundraising and to help them expand their vision is pretty much out of the picture.

Solution? Hesed Consulting, Inc. would apply for tax-exempt status, raise the money needed to offset the amount these small to medium nonprofits can not pay and consult this worthy demographic. Only one problem--the IRS does not see an organization like Hesed Consulting Inc. as a tax-exempt entity; 'for profit' status was my only option. Suffice it to say I was depressed for a year thinking the vision God gave me had come to an end.

Fast forward to 2013. I get a call from my friend and legal counsel saying that the 'for profit' world sees the value of organizations like Hesed Consulting and are going to grant us 'for profit' status but we can be mission-driven, not 'bottom line-driven.' I could not believe it!! God really did give me this vision in 2011 and it was being resurrected right before my eyes. But there was still a problem. The 80% of nonprofit organizations I want to work with cannot afford to hire Hesed Consulting, Inc. and I cannot raise money as a 'for profit' to offset the cost.

Fast forward again to March 2016. I was sitting with a couple I visited with every Monday evening, the Oglesby's. I had been out of work since December 2015 and they were walking me through this difficult journey. One evening out of the blue, Corwin, the husband, says, "Mel, you have all you need to get Hesed up and off the ground." I will confess I was a bit put off with his comment. I am not married and jobless. How can I afford to do what he is saying? Corwin repeats himself, except this time he adds, "I think what you are concerned about is an have what you need to start this business."

Somewhere down deep I knew he was right, I just did not know how to go about doing it. So I prayed. And just a few weeks later, the vision for Hesed Consulting, Inc.--the 'for profit'--came into view in the form of Dialysis!. From those simple, yet compelling words from a man who believed in me, Hesed Consulting, Inc. is well on its way to being launched!! Thank you, Corwin, for using your voice to spur me on to love and good deeds.

I am forever grateful for the men in my life who believe in me and gently, but firmly, push me to be and do what they know I can be and do. So, expect more blogs as we move toward the launch of what I believe will be the answer to many nonprofit leader's prayers--how do we raise the capital needed to start and expand this vision that will impact the lives in these communities forever?