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Practical Fundraising

How to execute a successful social media fundraiser

· fundraising,social media,strategy

Here are a few tips for hosting a successful social media fundraiser


Set a realistic goal for a specific purpose.

  • Inviting others to give to a general cause is not motivating but inviting others to give to a specific cause and a specific dollar amount is motivating. People need to see where a $25 donation can go when added to other $25 donations to reach the final goal.

Set a deadline no longer than 2 weeks.

  • You want to raise the money quickly; it communicates urgency and importance.

After Facebook, be the next person to give a gift!


Invite people who know you well on Facebook to give a gift. You must donate in order to invite others to donate.


Clearly communicate the cause as succinctly as possible; our attention span is 2-3 mins. MAX!


Share the appeal every 2-3 days. Sometimes people who will give did not see your post that day. Sending the appeal every 2-3 days until the deadline gives the maximum number of people an opportunity to see the fundraiser several times. Also, we all need a reminder.


Call people who do not use social media and invite them to donate, especially if these individuals are family members or close friends!


Celebrate at the end no matter how much was raised.

  • Let everyone know how thankful you are for their investment in a mission that is dear to your heart. Let them know how much was raised. Consider giving them a link to the nonprofit’s website to donate in the future.

To learn more about the 7 ways to raise money, click here to visit our website and consider purchasing Dialysis!, an on-demand fundraising training tool coming soon! We also offer 1-hour consultations and 1-day retreats!