• Our Philosophy

    "The only way you can serve God is by serving others." ~ Rick Warren

  • Serving the 86%

    Who can small to medium nonprofits call if they need input and direction on raising money to sustain and expand their mission? Practically no one because these nonprofits know they cannot afford to hire private fundraising consultants or firms. Unfortunately, unsustainable funding is the number one reason these nonprofits struggle securing large gifts from individuals and foundations.



    Eighty-six percent of nonprofits fit in the category of small to medium and are doing exceptional work in communities and cities around the world and they are doing this work with an annual budget of $500,000 or less. Something must be done to address this challenge because nonprofits make living in communities worth it!

    Introducing Hesed Consulting, Inc.!


    Watch this 2-minute video (Coming Soon). It will give you a glimpse into the world of fundraising and why having the seven 7-minute animated video series and 21-question survey package called Dialysis! will not only give you the knowledge to successfully raise money, but also three to four 'next steps' to get you moving in the right direction.

    What We Do

    1) We "uncomplicate" fundraising


    2) We construct a funding plan specific to your nonprofit


    Without this combination, rarely does an organization grow to see its original vision. We are here for you and want to see you execute and expand your mission year after year, decade after decade.

    Why Hesed Consulting, Inc.?

    1) Our team has either raised money for themselves and/or a nonprofit


    We have over 50 combined years of fundraising experience.


    2) We only serve small to medium nonprofits.


    If you do not know the principles and pitfalls of raising money, you will be challenged at every turn trying to figure out why you can not move past the starting line or beyond mid-field.

    Worry No More!

    We will walk you through the process of raising money with Dialysis! in two ways:


    1) We produced seven 7-minute animated videos that explain (with lots of humor) the seven proven ways to raise money.


    2) We designed a 21-question survey that identifies the 2 ways your organization should raise money and three to four 'next steps' to get you headed in the right direction.


    As you can see, Hesed Consulting, Inc. is serious about empowering, equipping and coaching you through this multi-method industry called fundraising. Fundraising does not have to be daunting and avoided at all costs. If you will answer the 21-question survey to the best of your knowledge and listen to the videos that correlate with the survey results with your leadership team and/or board of directors, you will have what you need to successfully raise sustainable revenue. If additional support is needed, you can contact us to schedule a follow-up 1-hour consultation and/or a 1-day retreat!


    Welcome to our website. We will regularly update our resources and blog posts and point you to conferences, websites, articles and books that will support your endeavors wherever you serve, whomever you serve!


    Serving together,


    Melody Gardner | Founder and CEO